Crown Royal Peach 750ml
$59.49 price per bottle
Unwind in luxury with a glass of Crown Royal Peach Flavored Whisky. To create this extraordinary blend, fresh Georgia peaches are harvested, de-stoned, pressed and strained to preserve their bright, aromatic taste. Then, the master blender infuses the juicy flavor for a vibrant and delicious whisky with fresh peach aroma, luscious notes of creamy vanilla and a decadently sweet finish. Made with the signature smoothness of traditional Crown Royal, this peach flavored whisky will enhance a cozy cocktail party or rooftop celebration. Enjoy it mixed with iced tea for a refreshing tasting cocktail.
ABV: | - |
Distillery: | - |
Vintage: | - |
Region: | - |
Size: | 750 ml |
Availability: | In Stock |
Distributed by: | IW |